Search engine marketing (SEM) and search engine optimization (SEO) are two terminologies that are used interchangeably. However, do they really stand for the same meaning? Read on to discover the answer.
Search Engine Marketing
Search engine marketing or search marketing defines all the methods that increase the ranking of a website in search engine results page (SERP). It focuses on website metrics to analyze the flow of traffic and involves paid advertising campaigns. Local search marketing includes both paid and organic methods to increase the visibility of a website.
Technically, the term search engine marketing incorporates the following two criteria: organic search engine optimization and paid advertising methods.
Search Engine Optimization
Search engine optimization refers to the optimization of a webpage based on Google’s search mechanics of Google. It defines the guiding factors that contribute to the rankings of a website in Google local search SEO results page. In a wider sense, search engine optimization includes “white hat” practices and techniques that give exposure to your website by ranking it higher in Google’s results page.
Difference between SEM and SEO
According to the above definitions of SEO and SEM, it is apparent that SEO is an important part of SEM. Local search marketing covers a comprehensive range of activities related to optimization and advertising whereas SEO only defines organic search activities based on the Google’s algorithm. Metaphorically speaking, SEM is like a tree and SEO is just a trunk of that tree.
Nonetheless, both local search marketing and local SEO serve an important role in maximizing the exposure of a website. So utilize them well to ensure your online success.


Yang John